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Monday, September 25, 2006


With an amazing and very weird weekend behind me, I am now able to start looking forward to the two weeks ahead of me! I am leaving for Germany in less than 24 hours and for now, everything seems to be going according to plan.

On Saturday and Sunday just passed I raced at Eastern Creek Raceway in the final round of the NSW State championship. It was a crazy weekend for a few reasons, but I'll cover that in the race report in a few hours... Till then I am just getting all my packing and washing done in preparation for my flight which leaves at 3:40pm tomorrow afternoon. I have spent the day shopping, running errands, picking up altered and repaired clothes, visiting Dad at work and getting my mobile phone/digital camera saga sorted out.

On Friday night though I was in SUCH a panic over getting all my Pro E stuff done that I realized that I didn't have a computer that could run it. Amazingly enough my bestest bud Jade lent me her and Michael's laptop to take away with me! My laptop can't handle running Pro Engineer, the solid modeling program that I need to do all my drawings in... It is SUCH a blessing and now means that I will be able to do ALL my uni work without drama whilst overseas. What a good set of mates those 2 are, huh?

Ok. Back to packing. Will get onto the weekend's race report when it is done!

Luv Kirsty

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Friday, September 01, 2006

Peak Women's Organisations Meeting

Yesterday I was invited to give an address to some representatives from Peak Women's organisations in New South Wales. This was held at the MLC building in Martin Place and was to share my experiences from my involvement in Motorsport and the A1GP in Eastern Creek and Dubai.

It was heaps of fun and lovely to meet so many nice ladies who are working so hard to make our country not only a great place to live, but a place where you can achieve your goals and furfill your dreams. Thanks must go out to the Office for Women for organising it and giving me a chance to share all the ups and downs of my experiences... Even the embarrassing bits!

For those interested, I have posted the notes from the speech and the slideshow that accompinied it on my old site, so you can download them through THIS notes link and THIS powerpint presentation link.

Thankyou to all who attended and wished me luck on my trip to Germany in the coming weeks. It is all much appreciated and helps me get over the nerves!

PS> I just found out that Sydney Anglicans have me up on their site. Rock on guys, I love the site and the publications! Hi to everyone that reads it! :)

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