There is something slightly un-nerving about handing out one's resume to strangers... Even if they are particullarly or apparantly nice ones... It is this feeling which I have been having of late.
It has been my duty to go out and get a job for summer, in-between doing uni race car stuff, trying to keep in touch with F-vee and tying up the loose ends of uni for the year.
It was this time last week that I moved out of my college dormitory and back to my parent's home for what looks to be all of summer. It doesn't mean that I can always be found there though! For starters, my uni race team keep me commutting to Wollongong most days and if I am not there I am either at a job interview or church. And both of those don't happen to often of late either... But things are looking up.
Our uni race car runs for it's first time today... WAY WAY WAY behind schedule, but running never the less. I have had nothing short of a rip-snorter of an interview with a VIP for a world class job... On the weekends at least by the looks of things and I have had some replys to the resumes which I faxed to different racing teams and shops last week. It is pretty encouragging... Lets just hope that I get something in the end, eh???
Summer holds for me working ALOT to try and raise some money to get my team working again... and by the looks of things, this means that I will be doing engineering intern things in the day and pulling beers at the local pub at night to offset the free labor whoever takes me on will be getting!
Hopefully at the end of it all I will have caught up with my mates whom I havn't spoken to in years, I will have learnt a tonne and will have enough mullah in the bank to pay for a HANS device, a New Helmet and hey, maybe even a new racecar! (Hey, I can always dream, can't I???)
Seeing as I turned 20 just yesterday, I want to give a big shout out to my fellow Power Puff girls, Ruth and Kat, who made my day by comming over to my parents to have cake and a swag load of catching up! They also hopped into the Vee for a photo sesh and those pics will be up in a couple of minutes!
I guess I will start giving the wrap up on the year's events over the next few postings, and I will deffinantly do a travel diary of the 2004 FSAE-A Championships from Potters Lane, Werribe, VIC over the Eastern Creek Weekend (3rd-5th Dec!).
Till then, thankyous to everyone for starters and I will see you alllllll when I get back!
Luv Kirst
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