TODAY is a new day.
Whilist yesterday left me feeling very low, I know that it is time to power on. HOW COULD I HAVE SULKED FOR SO LONG???
Well, today I have picked up my game! With a full day of uni ahead of me, I have FINALLY printed out my timetable, am PREPPING for a class (Heaven Forbid! hehehe...) and am going to re-contact potential sponsors in the hope that I can at least get a little bit of feed back on what they thought of the various contact methods we used...
The reason for this sudden turn around, me thinks is a pretty good F-sae meeting with the UOW guys last night. I have jobs to do! I am feeling wanted for the first time in a while, and I am still KINDA on top of uni work... It looks to be a hard, though encouragging semester if I can stay ontop of uni, do all my work for both teams and still be recougnised by my family on the off days that I come home!
Yeha. I'm back at it...
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