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Saturday, June 19, 2004

Well, after I pulled a 4:30am finish on my last post, I went on to get sick and not fully complete that Solids exam I was talking about...
Think I can get away with being a full timr race driver???

Today I had a pretty encouraging day, working with and hanging out with the University of Wollongong's Formula SAE team. I'm also in there, so litterly all parts of my life revolve araound racing... Lucky the family is into that too or I would REALLY be stuffed!!!

I GO HOME TOMMORROW!!! No more Dorms for at least a week. I will get to see my Godson William and I can relax... for a little while at least...

Right now I am going to watch some movies with mates and a local youth group... Life CAN be great!

Blessings all...
Talk after Hols!
Luv Kirst

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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Its like 1:30 in the morning on some racndom day in the middle of exams.
I can't sleep, I am poor and have nothing to eat and have checked all the updates on all my favourite racing websites and still can't sleep...

I have one more exam left... ewveryone else here at my dorms is on holiday and going home and such, and I am stuck studying for Mechanics of Solids. Not exactlly the glittering sort of subjects I had imagined myself doing. I don't know what to do anymore!
All I know is that my parents are encouraging me and supporting me in all my endeavours and will be happy to have me home... just not now :(

The shopping network is VERY boring at this time of morning...
I wish I was racing this weekend... I'll have to wait to see if I can make it to Oran...
I think I might have a crack at sleeping again...
G'night all...


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